The apostles explained Christ as the beginning of the creation of God, the firstborn of creation.
In the Lord’s Day, Christ will submit to God. He will be as our brother. In Revelation 3:14, John called Him “the beginning of the creation of God.”
In the first chapter of his gospel, John called Him “the only begotten God” (John 1:18).
In the fourth chapter, Jesus said, “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews” (John 4:22).
The understanding of Christ as the firstborn was the understanding of the Jews in Jesus’ day.
In A.D. 30, the Jewish theologian Philo was the greatest of his day. In his book The Confusion of Tongues, he described “His firstborn Word, the eldest of His angels, as the great Archangel of many names.”
Jesus said, “The Father Himself loves you because you believe that I came out of the Father.” (John 16:27-28). He came out of the Father in the beginning of creation. John said that “In the beginning … the Word was to God, toward God.” The Greek text of John 1:1 reveals the action and emotion on the part of Christ to God in the beginning of creation.
The writer of Hebrews explained that Christ became greater than the angels when He became the first Son of God, “to which of the Angels did he say, ‘You are My Son, today I have begotten You’” (Hebrews 1:5).
He said that God “again brought His firstborn into the world,” saying, “let all the angels worship Him” (Hebrews 1:6).
God brought his firstborn into the world for the second time when the Spirit of Christ came upon Mary and the Word, whom Justin Martyr called the “Firstborn of God,” was “manifest in the flesh.” In his book Early Christian Doctrines, the Trinitarian theologian J. N. D. Kelly said this was the “all but unanimous” interpretation of Luke 1:35 before the Nicene Creed of 325.