In the Lord’s Day, the Spirit of Christ will submit to God, and we will no longer worship Christ.
In Revelation 1, John said he was “in spirit in the Lord’s Day” (Revelation 1:10). In that day, Christ will submit to God, and God will be the Lord once again, just as He was in the Old Testament.
That is why God is called the First and the Last.
In Revelation 2:8, we read, “Thus says, the First and the Last (the Father)”1The lack of “and” in Greek does not impact the meaning. The key is that the Greek ὃς does not refer back to the speaker in previous phrase, as does ὁ in verse 1, “Thus says, the One who (ὁ) holds the seven stars in His right hand, the One who (ὁ) walks among the seven golden lampstands.” and “He who (ὃς) became dead and came to live again (Christ).”
This is only an imitation of verses like Isaiah 44:24, which identified Christ as the speaker for God: “Thus says, He Will Be your Redeemer (Christ)” and “He Who formed you in the womb (the Father).”
In the Lord’s Day, the Spirit of Christ will once again be the speaker for the invisible God. In Revelation 1, He speaks for God, saying “I am the Alpha and the Omega … who is and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8).
In the first verse of Revelation, God said that He sent His Messenger to guide John. The Spirit of Christ guided John in different appearances throughout the book. In chapter 10, He appears as the Angel of God who led the Israelites, covered with a cloud and His feet a pillar of fire.
In Revelation 19, He speaks from the throne as the image of the invisible God. John tried to worship Him, but He rebuked John saying, “Worship God. I am your brother” (Revelation 19:10). Then, in chapter 22, the Angel said, “I am coming quickly” (Revelation 22:7). John tried to worship Him again, and the Angel rebuked him with the same words.
Here, we learn that after the Lord’s Day, Christ will no longer be our Lord.